PageMaker 5.0 for Macintosh and Power Macintosh Demonstration script
PageMaker 5.0 demo script for Macintosh and Power Macintosh trial versions
• Just follow these bullets to cover the basics of PageMaker 5.0, the worldwide leader in professional publishing software.
Overview of PageMaker 5.0
• This is the most advanced PageMaker yet.
• Built on what Aldus has learned since introducing the original PageMaker in 1985.
• Incorporates suggestions from creative professionals throughout the world.
• PageMaker 5.0 offers:
- Maximum precision and control
- Unparalleled versatility
- Effortless integration
- A natural, intuitive interface
- Worldwide leadership
• The Power Macintosh version of PageMaker 5.0 offers significant performance improvements.
Creating a sample publication and placing text and graphics
• Start the trial version by double-clicking on the PageMaker 5.0 trial version icon.
• Choose “New…” from the File menu.
• Select a page size, orientation, and four as the number of pages. Click OK.
• Point out elements of the familiar PageMaker design tools—pasteboard, toolbox, rulers, menus, and page.
• Select the pointer tool from the toolbox.
• Choose “Place…” from the File menu.
• In the list box select the PageMaker 5.0 Trial Version folder.
• Double-click the filename “Graphic.tif” to select it.
• Position the cursor anywhere on the page, and click to place the object.
• Choose “Place…” again from the file menu and double-click the filename “Text.rtf.”
• Position the cursor anywhere on the page, and click to place the text.
• You can click anywhere on an object to select it and then drag it to a new position.
Rotating an object
• Choose the rotation tool from the toolbox.
• Explain that PageMaker is not constrained by frames—any object can be placed or moved freely on a page. You can rotate objects to any angle.
• Select an object such as Graphic.tif and rotate it by clicking on the object and moving the mouse.
• You can interrupt the screen redraw anytime in PageMaker which is something no other publishing program can do. And it can save you hours of time each week.
Manipulating an object using the Control palette
• Display the Control palette by choosing “Control Palette” from the Window menu
• Use the pointer tool to select an object such as the Graphic.tif.
• The Control palette displays information about the object you selected.
• Change the horizontal position of the selected object by typing a new number in the “X” edit box.
Editing text
• Choose the text tool in the toolbox.
• Click anywhere inside the text block which holds text.rtf.
• Text can be edited directly on the layout page or in the Story editor, a built in word processor.
• Choose “Edit story” from the Edit menu
• The Story editor is displayed with a text only view of the story. The text displayed in simply a place holder of nonsense words.
• Spell checking and search and replace are available from within the Story editor.
• When you are finished working in the Story editor, choose “Close story” from the Story menu to return to layout view.
Moving around the page and pasteboard
• You can change your view of the page in PageMaker by choosing commands from the “View” submenu on the Layout menu.
• You can also specify a custom view area by pressing Command and spacebar then dragging out a rectangle with the mouse. The area in the rectangle will fill the screen.
• You can easily move from one page to another by clicking on the page icons at the bottom of the page. Or press Command and tab to go to the next page.
Working in multiple open publications
• PageMaker 5.0 lets you have several publications open at the same time.
• Select “New…” from the File menu and click OK in the dialog box.
• A new blank publication is displayed.
• Select “Tile” from the Window menu. The two open publications are displayed side by side.
• You can drag and drop items from one publication to another. Select the Graphic.tif with the pointer tool and drag it across to the new publication. A copy of Graphic.tif will appear.
• Click on your original publication and select “Cascade” from the Window menu. Your publication will fill the window.
Aldus Additions
• More than 20 Aldus Additions ship free with PageMaker 5.0.
• To see the available Additions, select “Aldus Additions” from the Utilities menu.
• Extremely useful Additions include Sort pages, Build booklet, automatic bullets and numbers, and expert kerning.
Custom lines and fills
• PageMaker allows you to draw lines, boxes, and ovals and custom create the line weights for these objects.
• Select a drawing tool such as the rectangle tool from the toolbox.
• Click and hold the crossbar on the page, and then drag it to create an object.
• Choose fill and line attributes fro the “Fill and line…” submenu under the Element menu.
• Choose “Custom” from the Line combo box to create a custom width line.
• Select the “Color palette” from the Window menu
• Select the rectangle you drew with the pointer tool.
• Assign colors to the rectangle by clicking on the a color in the Color palette. You can choose separate lines and fills by selecting the Fill or Line option from the combo box and changing the colors.
Color Libraries
• Open the color palette
• PageMaker ships with a variety of libraries (TruMatch, Dainippon, Focoltone, Pantone Spot, etc.)
Library palette
• Open the library palette
• Easy to store and organize images
• Simply double-clicking on any image shows you a wealth of information about that image.
New print dialog boxes
• Choose File/Print
• PageMaker offers faster and more efficient printing
• Support for background printing and spoolers
• Many document options are available including non-consecutive page printing, proof and book printing, even/odd page options, selection of paper size, paper source, tiling, scaling, center on page, scale to paper, and duplexing